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Zenon, Itinerary, P.Zenon 59004.1-13


Zenon was a native of Kaunos in southwestern Asia Minor. He worked in Philadelphia in Middle Egypt as the secretary of Apollonius, an advisor for finances and land (διοικήτης) under Ptolemy II Philadelphus, the Greek king of Egypt during the first half to middle of the 3rd century B.C. An enormous cache of administrative records that Zenon wrote in Greek and Demotic on papyri (P.Zenon) was recovered during the 19th century. This particular text was written early in Zenon’s administrative career (ca. 259 B.C.E.), during a trip to survey Ptolemaic territory in the Middle East. The party’s route apparently traced a wide counterclockwise arc, landing at Strato’s Tower, advancing eastward across the Judaean Hills and the Jordan Valley, north into southern Syria, and back west through the northeastern Galilee, ending at Ptolemaïs. This passage lists the amount of flour as measured in artabai, an Egyptian unit of dry volume, consumed by the campaign at various centers.


ἀλεύρ̣̣[ων ]ἐν Στράτων[ο]ς πύ(ργῳ) ἀρτ(άβαι) εʹ’Ιεροσολύμ[οις] ζʹἐν Ἐριχο[ῖ] εʹἐν Ἀβέλλοις γʹ (5)Σουραβιτ..οις ἀρτ(άβαι) θʹΛακάσοις ιδʹΝόηι ιʹΕἰτουι ζʹΒαιτιανατοις ιδʹ (10)Κυδίσωι βʹἐν Πτολεμαίδι δʹἀρτ(άβαι) οθʹ1

Textual Note

Ed. Edgar 1925


(Amounts of) flour:At Stato’s Tower artabai 5At Jerusalem 7At Jericho 5At Abella 3At Sourabit artabai 9At Lakasa 14At Noë 10At Heitos 7At Baitianata 14At Kydisos 2At Ptolemaïs 4Total: 79 artabai2

Translation Note

Trans. J. L. Rife with ref. to Abel 1923

Works Cited

  • 1 C. C. Edgar, Catalogue générale des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, nos. 59001-59139: Zenon Papyri (Cairo: L’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, 1925), entry: 59004, line: 1-13.Link to Zotero Bibliographic Record
  • 2 Felix-Marie Abel, La list géographique du papyrus 71 de Zenon, Revue biblique 32 (1923): 409–15Link to Zotero Bibliographic Record

Additional Bibliography

  • Friedrich Bilabel and Friedrich Preisigke, eds., Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten III.1 (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1926), entry: 6777, line: 1-13.Link to Zotero Bibliographic Record

How to Cite This Entry

Joseph L. Rife, “Zenon, Itinerary, P.Zenon 59004.1-13,” in Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia, entry published June 30, 2023,


Joseph L. Rife, “Zenon, Itinerary, P.Zenon 59004.1-13.” In Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia, edited by Joseph L. Rife., edited by Joseph L. Rife. Caesarea City and Port Exploration Project, 2023. Entry published June 30, 2023.

About this Entry

Entry Title: Zenon, Itinerary, P.Zenon 59004.1-13

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • Joseph L. Rife, general editor, Vanderbilt University
  • Joseph L. Rife, editor, Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia
  • David A. Michelson, Daniel L. Schwartz, and William L. Potter, technical editor, “Zenon, Itinerary, P.Zenon 59004.1-13
  • Joseph L. Rife, entry contributor, “Zenon, Itinerary, P.Zenon 59004.1-13

Additional Credit:

  • TEI encoding by Joseph L. Rife
  • URNs and other metadata added by Joseph L. Rife
  • Electronic text added by Joseph L. Rife
  • Testimonia identified by Joseph L. Rife
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