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Thietmar, Book of Pilgrimage 29.11-21


Thietmar was a German Christian, perhaps a learned cleric from Westphalia. He undertook two pilgrimages from Acre during the course of the Fifth Crusade, one eastward to the Monastery of Mary at Saydnaya in southwestern Syria in 1217 and one southward to the Monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai in 1218. This work survives in 18 manuscripts of different lengths and dates; we prefer the earlier, fuller version at Hamburg on the authority of Laurent and Pringle. Thietmar gives a detailed itinerary of the Holy Land as well as his sojourn to Damascus, including much detail about the experience of contemporary Europeans and the local inhabitants, alongside usual observations concerning the historical landscape. In this passage concluding the work, he outlines the episcopal structure of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, noting the jurisdiction of the archbishopric of Caesarea.


(11) Patriarche sunt quatuor: primus Constantinopolitanus, secundus Alexandrinus, tertius Antiochenus, quartus Iherosolomitanus. (12) Item patriarcha Jerosolimitanus quatuor sub se habet archiepiscopos: primum in provincia Palestina: Cesariensem, (13) qui supra modum pinguis, cum vidi eum. (14) Alium in Fenicea: Tirrenum. (15) Tercium in Galilea: Nazarenum. (16) Quartum in regione Moabitarum: Petracensum. (17) Cesariensis unum habet suffraganeum: Sebastenum episcopum, (18) ubi sepultus fuit sanctus Johannes baptista. (19) Tirrenus quatuor habet suffraganeos: Acconensem, Sydoniensem, Beritensem, et illum, qui est de Cesarea Philippi. (20) Nazarenus unum habet suffraganeum: episcopum Tyberiensem. (21) Habet eciam patriarcha istos episcopos, nullo mediante: Bethleemitanum, Liddeum et illum de Ebron. 1

Textual Note

Ed. Laurent 1873

Textual Note

Codex Hamburgensis 143b


(11) There are four patriarchs: first that of Constantinople, second that of Alexandria, third that of Antioch, fourth that of Jerusalem. (12) Likewise the patriarch of Jerusalem has under him four archbishops: first in the province of Palestine the archibishop of Caesarea, (13) who was more than moderately fat when I saw him. (14) Another in Phoenicia, the archibishop of Tyre. (15) The third in Galilee, the archibishop of Nazareth. (16) The fourth in the region of the Moabites, the archbishop at Petra. (17) The archbishop of Caesarea has one suffragan: the bishop at Sebaste, (18) where St. John the Baptist is buried. (19) The archbishop of Tyre has four suffragans: the bishops of Acco, Sydon, Beritus, and Caesarea Philippi. (20) The archbishop of Nazareth has one suffragan: the bishop of Tyberias. (21) The patriarch also has the following bishops, with no intermediary: those of Bethlehem, Lidda, and Hebron. 2

Translation Note

Rev. Pringle 2018

Works Cited

  • 1 ch: 29, 11-21. , ch: 29, 11-21.
  • 2 Thietmar, Thietmar: Pilgrimage (1217-18), in Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291, trans. Denys Pringle, Crusade Texts in Translation 23 (London: Routledge, 2018), 95–133, p: 133, section: 29.Link to Zotero Bibliographic Record


How to Cite This Entry

Joseph L. Rife, “Thietmar, Book of Pilgrimage 29.11-21,” in Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia, entry published June 30, 2023,


Joseph L. Rife, “Thietmar, Book of Pilgrimage 29.11-21.” In Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia, edited by Joseph L. Rife., edited by Joseph L. Rife. Caesarea City and Port Exploration Project, 2023. Entry published June 30, 2023.

About this Entry

Entry Title: Thietmar, Book of Pilgrimage 29.11-21

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • Joseph L. Rife, general editor, Vanderbilt University
  • Joseph L. Rife, editor, Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia
  • David A. Michelson, Daniel L. Schwartz, and William L. Potter, technical editor, “Thietmar, Book of Pilgrimage 29.11-21
  • Joseph L. Rife, entry contributor, “Thietmar, Book of Pilgrimage 29.11-21

Additional Credit:

  • TEI encoding by William L. Potter
  • Electronic text added by Joseph L. Rife
  • Testimonia identified by Joseph L. Rife
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