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Caesarea--A Mercantile City by the Sea Rîmmôn, Ôfrā, ed. Caesarea--A Mercantile City by the Sea. 12. Haifa: Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, Univ., 1995. URI:
The Warehouses (Horrea) of Caesarea in Light of the New Excavations Patrich, Joseph. “The Warehouses (Horrea) of Caesarea in Light of the New Excavations.” In Caesarea: A Mercantile City by the Sea. קיסריה: עיר מסחר לחוף הים, edited by Ôfrā Rîmmôn, 12–17. Catalogue / Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa 12. Haifa: Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, 1995. URI:

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AuthorsPatrich (1)Rîmmôn (2)