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Asklepios Lenotoukhos et la mythe de la coupe de Césarée Maritime Finkielsztejn, Gérald. “Asklepios Lenotoukhos et la mythe de la coupe de Césarée Maritime.” Revue biblique 93 (1986): 419–28. URI:
The Stamped Amphorae from the IAA Excavations (1992-1998) Finkielsztejn, Gérald. “The Stamped Amphorae from the IAA Excavations (1992-1998).” In Caesarea Maritima I: Herod’s Circus and Related Buildings Part 2: The Finds, edited by Yosef Porath, 63–72. Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 57. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2015. URI:

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AuthorsFinkielsztejn (2)Porath (1)