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A Comprehensive Bibliography on Caesarea Maritima

General Editor: Joseph L. Rife

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This public domain image was originally published in Gottlieb Schumacher, "Recent Discoveries at Caesarea, Umm el Jemal, and Haifa". Palestine Exploration Quarterly 20, no. 3 (1888): 135.
The image has been cropped and reused here under the terms of the Creative Commons Universal Public Domain Dedication.

A collection of all known works of modern scholarship and popular publications on the historic site of Caesarea Maritima.

The raw digital data for A Comprehensive Bibliography on Caesarea Maritima is also available in its native formats online. All bibliographic data is stored in a Zotero library (found here).

A Comprehensive Bibliography on Caesarea Maritima is built on the Srophé App digital platform. The Srophé App is an open source application for digital cultural heritage designed by Winona Salesky which combines the analytic power of TEI XML, eXist-db, and linked open data technologies. The open source code for the web application is available for download from a public Github repository (found here).

General Editors

Joseph L. Rife, Vanderbilt University

Technical Editors

David A. Michelson, Vanderbilt University
William L. Potter, Vanderbilt University
Daniel L. Schwartz, Texas A&M University

Senior Programmer

Winona Salesky

Research Assistants

Bianca Gardner, Vanderbilt University
Joshua Woods, Vanderbilt University

How to Cite this Database


Joseph L. Rife, ed., A Comprehensive Bibliography on Caesarea Maritima (Nashville, TN: Caesarea City and Port Exploration Project, 2020),


Rife, Joseph L., ed. A Comprehensive Bibliography on Caesarea Maritima. Nashville, TN: Caesarea City and Port Exploration Project, 2020.