Joseph L. Rife (eds.), "Anonymous X, Itinerary of the Holy Places 408" in Caesarea Maritima: A Collection of Testimonia entry published June 14, 2021, Cesaream, Cesarea, and Caesarea are directly attested at Anonymous X, Itinerary of the Holy Places 408. This passage was written ca. 1229-1239 CE possibly in Palestine. This brief guide for pilgrims to the Holy Land of unknown authorship is preserved in a manuscript in Milan that probably postdates composition by only a few decades. It displays the familiar features of the genre, though all geographic and biblical content is greatly condensed. This passage opens the itinerary, which advance south along the coast from Acco past Caesarea. Si quis voluerit ire ab Acon ad montem Carmelum sunt leugue VIII ubi fuit beatus Elias propheta. De Carmelo ad Cesaream sunt league VIII. ibi dicitur esse tabula Domini et quatuor filie Sci. Filippi et locus centurionis Corneli. Et de Cesarea usque Iopem sunt leugue XII, ubi est petronus sci. Iacobi Appli. Ed. Golubovich 1906 Bibliotheca Ambrosiana, Codex O.35 (late 13th century?) If anyone should want to go from Aco to Mount Carmel, it is 8 leagues to the place where blessed Elijah the Prophet was. From Carmel to Caesarea is 8 leagues. There is said to be the Table of the Lord and the [tombs of the] four daughters of St. Philip and the site of the centurion Cornelius. And from Caesarea to Joppe is 12 leagues, and there is the stone of St. James the Apostle. Trans. Pringle 2018 Works Cited 408 173 Additional Bibliography 101-107 Rorgo Fretellus 430-431 Ways and Pilgrimages of the Holy Land A 1.1-1.3 Ways and Pilgrimages of the Holy Land B 1.1-1.3 Anne (Bi’r Bayt Ḥanūn) Arsuf (Assur, Arsur, Apollonia) Carmel, Mount Egypt Iaphe (Iope, Ioppe, Joppa, Jaffa) Pain Perdu (Pan Perdu) Pilgrims’ Castle (Athlit) Cornelius, early Christian at Caesarea Elijah the Prophet James the Apostle Jesus Christ Philip, early Christian at Caesarea Christian Bible Christianity Geography Hebrew Bible History of Israel Pilgrimage Roman History Urban Topography