

Fragments de Césaree la métropole Abel, Felix-Marie, and Augustin Georges Barrois. “Fragments de Césaree la métropole.” Revue biblique 40, no. 2 (1931): 294–95. URI:
La list géographique du papyrus 71 de Zenon Abel, Felix-Marie. “La list géographique du papyrus 71 de Zenon.” Revue biblique 32 (1923): 409–15. URI:
Histoire de la Palestine depuis la conquête d'Alexandre jusqu'à l'invasion arabe Abel, Félix-Marie. Histoire de la Palestine depuis la conquête d’Alexandre jusqu’à l’invasion arabe. 2 vols. Paris: J. Gabalda, 1952. URI:
Géographie de la Palestine Abel, Félix-Marie. Géographie de la Palestine. 3rd ed. 2 vols. Paris: J. Gabalda, 1967. URI:
Naval History: The Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy, 3-19. Washington D.C. Abels, Richard P., and Daniel Masterson, eds. Naval History: The Sixth Symposium of the U.S. Naval Academy, 3-19. Washington D.C. Washington, D.C.: Scholarly Resources, 1987. URI:
The Pottery from the Late Byzantine Building (Stratum 4) and its Implications Adan-Bayewitz, D. “The Pottery from the Late Byzantine Building (Stratum 4) and Its Implications.” In Excavations at Caesarea Maritima, 1975, 1976, 1979: Final Report, edited by Lee I Levine and Ehud Netzer, 90–131. Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 21. Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1986. URI:
Adamnani de locis sanctis libri tres Adomnán. “Adamnani de locis sanctis libri tres.” In Itineraria et alia geographica, edited by Ludwig Bieler, 175–234. Corpus Christianorum, series Latina 175. Turnhout: Brepols, 1965. URI:
Adomnán, Holy Places 1.20 "Cesaream Palestinae", and "Caesarea Palestinae" are directly attested at Adomnán, Holy Places 1.20. This passage was written ca. 695-698 CE possibly in Iona.URI:
Aelius Herodian, Correct Spelling "Καισάρεια", and "Kaisareia" are directly attested at Aelius Herodian, Correct Spelling This passage was written ca. 150-200 C.E. possibly in Alexandria.URI:
Aelius Herodian, Declension of Nouns 751.25-37 "Καισάρεια", and "Kaisareia" are directly attested at Aelius Herodian, Declension of Nouns 751.25-37. This passage was written ca. 150-200 C.E. possibly in Alexandria.URI:
Herodiani technici Reliquiae Aelius Herodianus. Herodiani technici Reliquiae. Edited by August Lentz. Vol. 2. 3 vols. Grammatici Graeci 3. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1868. URI:
Aëtii Amideni libri medicinales i-iv Aëtius of Amida. Aëtii Amideni libri medicinales i-iv. Edited by Alexander Olivieri. Corpus medicorum Graecorum, 8.1. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1935. URI:
Aëtius of Amida, Medical Practice 2.68 "Καισαρείας τῆς Παλαιστίνης", and "Caesarea Palestinae" are directly attested at Aëtius of Amida, Medical Practice 2.68. This passage was written ca. ca. 490-520 C.E. possibly in Eastern Mediterranean.URI:
Kitab al-'Unvan (Histoire universelle, écrite par Agapius de Menbidj), seconde partie, fasc. 2 Agapius of Hierapolis (Mahbūb ibn Qūṣṭānṭīn). Kitab al-’Unvan (Histoire universelle, écrite par Agapius de Menbidj), seconde partie, fasc. 2. Edited by A. A. Vasiliev. Patrologia Orientalis, 8.3. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1912. URI:
Eusebius of Caesarea and the Imperial Christian Idea Ahrweiler, Hélène. “Eusebius of Caesarea and the Imperial Christian Idea.” In Caesarea Maritima: A Retrospective after Two Millenia, edited by Avner Raban and Kenneth G Holum, 541–46. Leiden: Brill, 1996. URI:
The Origins of the Islamic State, Being a Translation from the Arabic, accompanied with annotations, geographic and historic notes of the Kitâb futûh al-buldân of al-Imâm abu-l Abbâs Ahmad ibn-Jâbir al-Balâdhuri Al-Balādhurī, Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā. The Origins of the Islamic State, Being a Translation from the Arabic, Accompanied with Annotations, Geographic and Historic Notes of the Kitâb Futûh al-Buldân of al-Imâm Abu-l Abbâs Ahmad Ibn-Jâbir al-Balâdhuri. Edited by Philip K. Hitti. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law 163. New York: Columbia University, 1916. URI:
Kitāb at-tanbīh wa al-išrāf Al-Masʻūdī, Abu-ʼl-Ḥasan ʻAlī. Kitāb at-tanbīh wa al-išrāf. Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum 8. Leiden: Brill, 1894. URI:
Al-Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions 34-35and "قيساريَّة" is directly attested at Al-Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions 34-35. This passage was written ca. 985 C.E. possibly in Syria-Palestine.URI:
Al-Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions 54and "قيساريَّة" is directly attested at Al-Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions 54. This passage was written ca. 985 C.E. possibly in Syria-Palestine.URI:
Aḥsan al-Taqāsīm fī l-Maʿrifat al-Aqālīm Al-Muqaddasī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad. Aḥsan Al-Taqāsīm Fī l-Maʿrifat al-Aqālīm. Translated by George S. A. Ranking and R. J. Azoo. Bibliotheca Indica 137. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1906. URI:
Kitāb aḥsan al-taqāsīm fī maʻrifat al-āqālīm Al-Muqaddasī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad. Kitāb aḥsan al-taqāsīm fī maʻrifat al-āqālīm. Edited by Michael Jan de Goeje. 2nd ed. Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum 3. Leiden: Brill, 1906. URI:
The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions: A Translation of Aḥsan al-Taqāsīm fī l-Maʿrifat al-Aqālīm Al-Muqaddasī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad. The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions: A Translation of Aḥsan al-Taqāsīm Fī l-Maʿrifat al-Aqālīm. Translated by Basil Anthony Collins. Reading: Garnet Publishing, 1994. URI:
Kitāb al-buldān Al-Yaʻqūbī, Aḥmad b. Abī Yaʻqūb. Kitāb al-buldān. Edited by Abraham Wilhelm Theodorus Juynboll and Michael Jan de Goeje. Bibliotheca geographorum arabicorum 7. Leiden: Brill, 1892. URI:
The Works of Ibn Wāḍiḥ al-Yaʿqūbī 1: An English Translation Al-Yaʻqūbī, Aḥmad b. Abī Yaʻqūb. The Works of Ibn Wāḍiḥ Al-Yaʿqūbī 1: An English Translation. Edited by Matthew Gordon, Chase F. Robinson, Everett K. Rowson, and Michael Fishbein. Islamic History and Civilization. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2018. URI:
Al-Yaʿqūbī, Book of Lands 115-116 "قَيسارية", "قيسارية", and "Qaysāriyya" are directly attested at Al-Yaʿqūbī, Book of Lands 115-116. This passage was written ca. 889-890 C.E. possibly in .URI: