Joseph Rife, Joshua Woods and William L. Potter, (eds.), "The Tunnel of Caesarea Maritima's High Level Aqueduct at the Kurkar Ridge (Jisr ez-Zarqa)" in entry published June 28, 2023, Tunnel of Caesarea Maritima's High Level Aqueduct at the Kurkar Ridge (Jisr ez-Zarqa)'Atiqot1996126-12730 Porath, Yosef. “The Tunnel of Caesarea Maritima’s High Level Aqueduct at the Kurkar Ridge (Jisr Ez-Zarqa).” ’Atiqot 30 (1996): 126–27. Yosef Porath, The Tunnel of Caesarea Maritima’s High Level Aqueduct at the Kurkar Ridge (Jisr Ez-Zarqa), ’Atiqot 30 (1996): 126–27,